10 trends to determine the success of HR in 2019

August 17, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Dan Schawbel, Partner and Research Director of Future Workplace, has announced his predictions about the changes that will affect people management in the remainder of the year. As he anticipates, in addition to the narrowing of the man-machine collaboration and the training challenges that this implies, the human resources departments will have to face the challenges that the shortage of talent brings.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has echoed an article of the 10 trends that, according to Dan Schawbel, Partner and Research Director of Future Workplace, an executive development firm with Google and Disney as clients, dedicated to rethinking the workplace and how they will affect the function and objectives that human resources departments will have to fulfill this 2019.

Narrowing of the relationship between workers and robots

One of the main trends will be related to automation and the collaboration that people should learn to develop with new technologies, especially those related to artificial intelligence, although the expert points out that “the human element will never disappear” in spaces of work. He also notes: "The great opportunity to move forward is for HR to be associated with the area of ​​information technology (IT) and even with other departments to collaborate and manage the human experience."

Greater time flexibility

The new work formulas will continue to gain ground in companies, with teleworking and the like with new employee profiles (such as knowmads, freelancers or e-nomads) the main axes of this new ecosystem, which must deal with limitations that Spain has introduced with the Royal Decree-Law 8/2019 which incorporated urgent measures of social protection in the fight against job insecurity in the workday, and the new obligations that it incorporates with respect to hourly control of the workday.

Address the loneliness of remote workers

Aware of the expansion that the work ecosystem has experienced, Schawbel points out that, in addition to facilitating greater labor flexibility for professionals, companies must address the risks that some of these new work formulas also bring, such as the feeling of isolation suffered by freelancers or remote workers. "The connection with teleworkers in person, even if it only occurs once a year, can make a big difference and build trust," he says.

Reinforcement of social commitment

Knowing the interest that the new generations (although not the only ones) claim to have when working in companies with a social purpose, organizations must adopt a firm stance regarding social problems in order to respond to one of the expectations of talent, thus improving its attraction and retention.

Improvement of gender diversity

Compared to men, the number of women in executive positions still remains low, especially in sectors linked to STEM disciplines. "The great news - according to Schawbel - is that both governments and companies are getting involved and it seems that the changes are on the horizon."

Invest in mental health

At a time when there is much talk about the importance of labor integration, the group with a psychic disability are the major affected when promoting their access to employment, due in part to the prejudices that exist regarding their abilities . Therefore, in addition to advancing in labor insertion, employers will continue to work from the field of prevention, helping their professionals know how to manage high levels of stress and prevent other diseases such as depression.

Preparation for Generation Z

Employers must understand digital natives, belonging to Generation Z and whose members identify anxiety as an important problem that stands in the way of their job success, and that is related to mental health treatment, according to Schawbel, It also indicates that young talent wants more face-to-face interaction at work and tend to expect quick promotions, so employers must set realistic expectations.

Improve the workforce

"Employers must find creative ways to close the skills gap," says the expert, adding: "Companies are starting to hire more older workers, with disabilities, who were previously incarcerated or veterans, which makes the talent quarry It is enlarged, allowing to incorporate a greater diversity of ideas.

Soft skills boom

"Soft skills are the new hard skills," says Schawbel and 90% of the human resources professionals surveyed by LinkedIn, who believe that social skills are very important for the future of hiring. "You can acquire technical knowledge, but soft skills require much more time," the executive adds.

Exhaustion Prevention

Finally, Schawbel points out that employees must deal with an "always active" work culture, and many employees leave their companies as a result of overwork. "Employers should recognize the causes of exhaustion and try to solve it, because it can cost them more over time if they don't," he concludes.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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